Maynggu Ganai Historic Site Planning Considerations
This planning considerations document outlines the matters considered in preparing the Maynggu Ganai Historic Site Plan of Management, including the site’s key values, management principles and management considerations.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922899-60-6
ID: EHG20220470
File: PDF 2.36 MB / Pages 30
Name: maynggu-ganai-historic-site-planning-considerations-220470.pdf
Maynggu Ganai Historic Site is located within the peri-urban area south of Wellington in Central West New South Wales, approximately 356 kilometres north-west of Sydney. The site lies in the flat, fertile valley formed by the junction of the Macquarie and Bell rivers.
This document should be read in conjunction with the Maynggu Ganai Historic Site Plan of Management (2022).