A NSW Government website

Closed programs

We maintain a list of closed programs no longer open to applications for reporting and reference purposes.

NSW Environmental Trust closed programs


Table of closed programs
ProgramAbout the programStatus
Bush ConnectBush Connect supported conservation activities in NSW’s Great Eastern Ranges corridor.Closed.
Clean Technology Research and DevelopmentGrants were offered for early stage development of new low emissions technologies, services or processes. The final round was offered in 2023.Closed
Community Bush RegenerationThis program supported community groups undertaking large, long-term projects in bush regeneration.Closed.
Eco SchoolsThe Trust is not currently funding this program. The program was last offered in 2019 for projects commencing term one in 2020.Closed.
Emergency pollution clean-up programFunded emergency clean-ups of hazardous materials. This program was transferred and is managed by the NSW Environment Protection Authority.Not available.
Food Gardens in Schools

This program fostered the growing and harvesting of food in school gardens.

Grants awarded and project summaries

In 2014 the program was incorporated into the Eco Schools program.
Love Food Hate Waste

The Trust’s Love Food Hate Waste grants program was aimed at making people more aware of food waste and giving them steps to avoid it.

Grants awarded and project summaries

Grants are now managed by the NSW Environment Protection Authority.
Organics Infrastructure – Home CompostingOrganics Infrastructure – Home Composting grants helped local government promote the use of home compost bins and worm farms.Closed.
Resource Recovery Facility Expansion and EnhancementThis program aimed to increase the recycling of household and business waste.Closed.
The NSW Environment Protection Authority will manage future rounds.
Riverina Red Gum Regional Employment and Community Development Fund

This program was created to support the NSW Riverina community affected by the establishment of the river red gum protected areas in the Riverina.

Grants awarded and project summaries

Shredder Floc ManagementThis program supported new approaches to managing metal waste (shredder floc) produced during recycling.Closed.


Contact us

Environmental Trust

Phone: 02 8837 6093

Email: info@environmentaltrust.nsw.gov.au