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Kosciuszko National Park wild horse rehoming – Stakeholder update, April 2021

Read the April 2021 update to find out about rehoming opportunities in 2021.


Wild horses from Kosciuszko National Park continue to be available for rehoming in 2021.

More approved rehomers are needed. The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is seeking good, long-term homes for wild horses removed from the park.

Before applying to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, please take the time to consider whether you have the necessary skills, facilities and resources (both money and time) to care for and train a wild horse adequately. These animals have received no training, handling or veterinary care and are unfamiliar with the human-built environment.

Post-bushfire control program

The Kosciuszko National Park post-bushfire wild horse control program occurs in the Nungar Plain, Cooleman Plain and Kiandra Plain areas. These areas were impacted during the summer 2019–20 bushfires.

Passive trapping is the only control method in use. The priority is to rehome wild horses removed from the park. Where approved homes do not exist, horses are sent to a knackery.

Wild horses can foal at any time of the year. Heavily pregnant mares and mares with young foals are currently released from the trap yards back into the park due to transport duration limitations.

The post-fire control program commenced on 23 July 2020. Control will continue while a new wild horse heritage management plan is finalised.

Control program outcomes

  • Program dates: 23 July 2020 to 16 April 2021
  • Number of trapping days: 61
  • Horses removed: 507
  • Horses rehomed: 489
  • Horses sent to knackery: 14
  • Total trapping-related deaths: 4
  • Horses released from trap yards: 288

Notes (to 16 April 2021)

  • The control program is ongoing.
  • One mare and 2 colts died in separate incidents while being held in the trap yards due to suspected head or neck injuries. One mare died in the NPWS temporary holding yards due to a suspected head injury. No other horses were injured. Horse deaths in trap yards are a rare occurrence in the history of the trapping and removal program.

How to apply

Full details of the rehoming program, including the rehoming guidelines and application form, continue to be available on the Rehome a wild horse page.

Interested individuals and groups will need to meet the guidelines and complete the application form to help ensure wild horses find good homes.

You need to take a minimum of 5 horses if you would like to apply for horses from the National Parks and Wildlife Service. However, for those people that would like to take home a smaller number, please contact the approved rehomers listed on our Rehome a wild horse page. Let them know you are interested in rehoming a horse and find out what they have available.

Contact us

NPWS Wild horse team

Phone: 1300 361 967

Email: [email protected]