A NSW Government website

Maintain a licence

When you hold a licence to keep native animals, you must meet licence conditions and keep your licence up to date.

Maintaining a current biodiversity conservation licence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 is an important part of being a good native animal keeper.

The licence validity period depends on the option you chose on your application. The expiry date is printed on your licence.

Comply with licence conditions

Keeping native animals as pets requires you to meet certain conditions under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

It's important you understand and meet the conditions of your licence. These may differ depending on the type of biodiversity conservation licence you hold.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water conducts random audits of its licence holders to ensure the licence conditions are being met.

To qualify for renewal, you need to comply with the conditions for keeping native animals as stated on your existing licence. 

Contact us

Wildlife Team

Phone: 02 9585 6406

Email: wildlife.licensing@environment.nsw.gov.au