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Wattamolla Review of Environmental Factors for telecommunications facility: public consultation

A Review of Environmental Factors to install telecommunications infrastructure closed for consultation on 22 August 2024.


Public exhibition of the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) provided an important opportunity for members of the community to have a say in relation to this activity proposed by Telstra.

Downer on behalf of Telstra (the mobile service provider) have submitted a Review of Environmental Factors for a proposed new telecommunications facility at Lot 20/DP752018 at 326 Wattamolla Road, Wattamolla NSW 2232 in Royal National Park. This proposal is for a greenfield site (no existing infrastructure at this location). The facility will involve the installation of:

  • a 20 m monopole
  • 1 x omni antenna on top of the monopole (overall height 21.8m)
  • 12 m x 10 m compound area
  • 2 x oneweb satellite antennas at the base of the monopole
  • 15 x solar panels to power the site
  • ancillary equipment.

The proposal would be partly funded by the federal government's national Mobile Black Spot Program. The Mobile Black Spot Program aims to provide new and upgraded access to many remote areas across Australia. The expansion aims to ensure that upgraded mobile voice and internet network access is provided to benefit employees, residents, and visitors of Royal National Park.

Purpose of a review of environmental factors

A Review of Environmental Factors is used to document the environmental impact assessment of proposed activities on lands managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, part of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. It examines the significance of likely environmental impacts of the proposal and measures required to avoid, minimise and mitigate adverse impacts to the environment.

Telstra are the proponent and the National Parks and Wildlife Service is the determining authority for this activity under Part 5 (Division 5.1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The Review of Environmental Factors will assist the determining authority to decide whether an activity should be approved and assists in the development of appropriate conditions should approval be given.

The Review of Environmental Factors was on public exhibition until 22 August 2024.

Next steps

At the end of the public exhibition period on 22 August 2024, the National Parks and Wildlife Service will review all submissions, prepare a submissions report and, if necessary, request further information from the proponent.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service will determine the Review of Environmental Factors, based on its review of the documents and the information provided in submissions. If the determination recommends that the activity may proceed, approval will be issued under section 153D of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

More information about the proposal

To find out more about the proposal, contact the Royal Area Office:

  • by mail or in person – 159 Farnell Avenue, Audley
  • by phone – 02 9542 0632.

For further information on the Mobile Black Spot Program: