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Setting search criteria in dashboard


Can I filter credit trades by IBRA subregion?

On the market overview page (page 1), selecting the biodiversity type (ecosystem or species) will display the number of credits transferred by IBRA subregion and by Offset Trading Group (OTG) in separate graphs. The IBRA subregion can be selected individually on the graph or using the drop-down menu to show the sales data for that selection. The IBRA subregion for an individual credit sale cannot be displayed – this data is available in the BOS transactions register.

How can I find out what IBRA subregion a site is in?

A map of IBRA subregions is available from the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's Australia's bioregions page.

How do I know which Offset Trading Group a Plant Community Type belongs to?

To find out which OTG a Plant Community Type (PCT) belongs to, please use the Ecosystem Credits Trading Groups Tool or seek advice from your accredited assessor or the BOS Help Desk, or if you have a Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) Biodiversity Credit Report from BOAMS or the BAM Calculator, you can find out which OTG a particular PCT belongs to from this report.

Where is the Offset Trading Group data in the Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard sourced from?

OTG data is sourced directly from the BOS public registers. If an error has been identified, please contact the BOS Help Desk.

How do I untick all options and start again?

To untick all options in a menu, scroll to the top of the menu and tick 'select all' and then click it again to untick. This will clear all of your options within a menu. Alternatively, refresh the webpage – this should set all options back to default.

More information

For technical guidance on how to use the dashboard, please refer to the Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard: User Guide. The user guide explains how to navigate through the dashboard and use specific functions.

If you have any further questions, please contact: