A NSW Government website

Licences to control or harm native animals

Find out about licences for landowners to control native animals posing a threat to safety or causing property damage.

All native birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals (except the dingo) are protected in New South Wales by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act).

In some cases, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (the department) can license people to control or harm protected species.

Some native birds are not protected in certain parts of the state to prevent damage or harm to crops and livestock.

Licences to harm protected native animals

Most people in the community encounter native animals in their daily lives. Many of these interactions are positive and provide many opportunities for enjoyment and appreciation of our natural heritage.

Some interactions between people and native animals are not harmonious and may lead to serious conflict, which can pose a legitimate threat to life or property or cause economic hardship. These encounters with native animals can include:

Where possible, the department seeks to resolve negative interactions using non-destructive methods. However, a licence to harm individual animals may be required to mitigate the problem. Find out more about:

Licence to harm a threatened species, population or ecological community

This licence applies to an action that is likely to harm a threatened species or ecological community or damage their habitat, and the action does not require some other form of consent or approval.

Find out more information on the licence to harm a threatened species, population or ecological community.

Managing interactions with animals that may impact the community

The department has an overarching policy on managing interactions with animals that may impact the community. The policy establishes the principles for managing human and animal interactions and refers to additional detailed information for key animal species.

Find out more information on managing interactions with fauna that may impact on the community.

Contact us

Wildlife Team

Phone: 02 9585 6406

Email: wildlife.licensing@environment.nsw.gov.au