Angophora exul (a tree) - endangered species listing
The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Final Determination to list Angophora exul K.D. Hill, a tree, as an ENDANGERED SPECIES on Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act. Listing is provided for by Part 2 of the Act.
NSW Scientific Committee - final determination
The Scientific Committee has found that:
1. Angophora exul has been described by K.D. Hill (Hill, K.D. 1997. New species in Angophora and Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) from New South Wales. Telopea 7, 97-109).
2. Angophora exul is a tree to 8 metres tall. Bark persistent throughout, shortly fibrous, shedding in plates. Juvenile leaves not seen. Adult leaves moderately glossy, chartaceous, mid-green, opposite, discolorous and paler beneath, linear to narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, 5-12 cm long, 0.4-0.7 cm wide; petioles slender, 0.7-1.2 cm long. Inflorescences compound, terminal; unit umbellasters 3-7 flowered. Peduncles terete, 6-11 mm long. Pedicels terete, 6-10mm long. Mature buds ribbed, globular, 6-9 mm long, 6 - 9 mm diam. Fruits cup-shaped to obconical, usually 3-locular, 5-8 mm long, 5-7mm diam. Stemonophore flat, 0.2 mm wide. Disc vertically depressed, 1-1.5 mm wide. Valves broadly triangular, acute, enclosed, steeply raised.
3. Angophora exul is known only from a single small stand at Gibraltar Rock, west of Tenterfield.
4. This site is not in a conservation reserve nor is it managed for the conservation of the species.
5. The risk of extinction is high due to low population numbers. Angophora exul may also be at risk from hybridisation with Angophora floribunda (Hill 1997 p 100).
6. In view of 3, 4 & 5 above the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that the species is likely to become extinct in nature in New South Wales unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival cease to operate.
Proposed Gazettal date: 26/2/99
Exhibition period: 26/2/99 - 2/4/99