Amendments to Montague Island Nature Reserve Plan of Management (2009)
Recently, opportunities have arisen for visitors to directly participate in a range of environmental management and education initiatives that benefit the long-term conservation of the island’s natural and cultural values. These include elements of the long-term seabird habitat restoration program which commenced in 2003, such as weeding, plant propagation, revegetation, nest locating, and the construction of temporary penguin nest boxes. Visitors are also able to assist with penguin and shearwater census programs and building maintenance work at the lightstation. Educational activities include guided and self-guided tours that explore aspects of the natural history and Aboriginal and European heritage of the island.
As a result, the plan of management, as amended in 2003, required further revision so that visitors participating in environmental management and educational activities, not just those assisting researchers, could be accommodated on the island.
These amendments should be read in conjunction with the Montague Island Nature Reserve Plan of Management (1996).
See also : Montague Island Nature Reserve Amendments to Plan of Management (2003)