The draft Native Vegetation Regulatory map has been peer-reviewed by mapping experts and independently reviewed by landholders.
We are continuing this consultation process further by releasing the draft map to the Hilltops, Upper Lachlan and Yass Valley local government areas of South East Local Land Services region and Riverina and Murray Local Land Services regions.
Review and consultation
A range of independent reviews have found the map is typically more than 90% accurate statewide. This means the map is as accurate as can be achieved without landholder input on a draft map.
Over the past 5 years, the draft map has been through various external reviews and consultations. Most recently, the department and Local Land Services engaged in an independent evaluation of stakeholder confidence in the unpublished categories of the draft map.
Elton Consulting surveyed over 120 properties covering the initial 11 Local Land Services regions. Less than half of the landholders found the need to request a property scale review and, for those who did, there was less than 3% net change of regulated land for reviewed properties.
In the sensitive and vulnerable categories shown on the transitional map published in 2017, the map has proved to be highly accurate. Reviews from 194 landholders have resulted in a net change of 1.4% across the area mapped in those categories.
Help improve the draft map's accuracy
Despite using the best available science and undertaking several reviews, it is acknowledged there may be some inaccuracies at a property level in the draft maps showing category 1 and 2 land.
The purpose of publishing a draft map is to ensure any areas mapped to the wrong category are identified and updated before a final map is published. This is because, when the map is finalised, it will become a regulatory tool with an expectation that you will check the final map before undertaking any new land management activities and will seek a map review if the category isn't right.
Request a free category explanation report or map review
Free map reviews and category explanation reports will always be available, even after the map is finalised, so there is no need to rush if you are not planning on changes to your current land management activities.
If you would like a category explanation report, a map review or any other information, please complete and submit this enquiry form.
Making the map
The draft Native Vegetation Regulatory map has been prepared using a peer-reviewed scientific method and has involved years of analysis.
Expert mapping scientists examined aerial and satellite images to generate land use and vegetation maps, with quality checks on the ground. Over 120 other data sources were also used, including: steep and highly erodible land mapping, threatened species records, and existing approvals and agreements. Improvements to the map method are ongoing, and the latest map method statement was published in 2022.
The map method has been reviewed and endorsed by independent scientists. In 2015 and 2017, independent experts from Geosciences Australia, ABARES, Victoria and Queensland reviewed the map method and found that the method was appropriate and based on the available technology.
This video tells you more about how the map was created.
Building the Native Vegetation Regulatory map