NSW Environmental Trust The NSW Environmental Trust funds projects that enhance the environment of New South Wales.photo_cameraOpen description Acacia blakei, also known as Blake's wattle. closeClose descriptionImage Credit: Barry Collier/DCCEEW About the Trust Learn about the NSW Environmental Trust's objectives and governance and read our annual reports.east Grants available Learn which types of projects are funded by the Environmental Trust and what grants are available.east Strategic Plan 2024 to 2029 Our new strategy ensures funding for grants delivering priority projects that conserve, protect and rehabilitate the NSW environment.east Environmental Trust news Get the latest news on the NSW Environmental Trust.east Grant assessment process Find out what happens after you have applied for funding and what to expect if your application is successful.east Information for successful applicants Find general information about providing progress, financial and final reports using our templates and how to acknowledge the Trust funding.east Waste grant programs We administer many grant programs concerned with managing waste.east Major projects The NSW Environmental Trust funds projects that tackle large or complex issues. Major projects are identified and designed through consultation with key stakeholders.east Annual reports View NSW Environmental Trust annual reports.east Closed programs We maintain a list of closed programs no longer open to applications for reporting and reference purposes.east Updated November 15, 2024