Broken Head Nature Reserve Plan of Management
Broken Head Nature Reserve protects significant Aboriginal cultural values and important Aboriginal sites, including the near-shore islands known as the Three Sisters or Cocked Hat Rocks. The reserve supports important remnant vegetation and protects a regional wildlife corridor, including providing habitat for numerous endangered ecological communities and threatened species.
In accordance with the Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA), joint management of the reserve by the Arakwal and NPWS is governed by a management committee. The Byron Coast Area Management Committee carries out its role within the framework of the National Parks and Wildlife Act, the ILUA and this plan of management.
The plan of management will provide continued protection of the parks values. Commercial activities will be restricted to day use areas to protect natural and cultural values and the experiences of other visitors. Recreational and commercial use of the near-shore islands will also be restricted to protect important sea and shore bird nesting and breeding sites and Aboriginal heritage values.
This plan will replace the Byron Coast Group of Nature Reserves Plan of Management in relation to Broken Head Nature Reserve.
Other documents available
Broken Head Nature Reserve Plan of Management 2019 (Arakwal font) (PDF 3.2MB)