A NSW Government website

Saving our Species public register user guidance

This information will guide you through our new-look public register.


The Saving our Species public register of conservation strategies has been updated with a refreshed look.

The updated register has more tailored features that make it easier to find what you are looking for.

User support

Finding your way around a new-look public register can be tricky, even when the changes are small. We have provided this user guidance on how to find what you are searching for.

If you need help, please contact us via email to [email protected].

General users

The general public can search the public register for conservation strategies in 3 ways:

  1. a general search in the blue bar on the landing page
  2. by map
  3. use an advanced search.

Search the public register

How to search

Choose one of these scenarios, which are provided as examples to help you navigate the new public register.

Scenario 1: I want to search for a threatened plant, animal, fungi, algae, or ecological community
  1. Click in the blue bar on the landing page.
  2. Start typing the name of the species or ecological community you are looking for.
  3. When you have typed at least the first 3 letters, predictive text of possible matches will be presented.
  4. Select the relevant result term, or keep typing your search term, and press enter.
  5. If you select a term in the list of results, it will take you to the conservation strategy page for that species or ecological community.
  6. If you entered your own search term, you may be presented with multiple results to choose from. Once you choose a result you will be taken to the conservation strategy for that species or ecological community.
  7. The conservation strategy for your chosen species or ecological community includes summary information about what is being done to help conserve and protect that species, conservation status and other relevant information. You can also download a PDF of the conservation strategy.
  8. Close the browser after your session is finished.

Handy hints

  • Search terms can be sensitive to spelling.
  • If there is no PDF available for download, this means the strategy is under development and has not yet been formally adopted. You will see summary information and a comment about the status of the conservation strategy you have chosen to view.
Scenario 2: I want to search for a group or type of plant, animal, fungi, algae or ecological community
  1. Click on the Advanced search button in the blue bar on the landing page.
  2. This will open a pop-up window with 8 search options you can choose from to narrow down your search.
  3. You can choose to search by:
    • scientific or common name
    • species type
    • region
    • threat type
    • project status
    • action type, or what is being done to help protect that species/ecological community
    • electoral district
    • management stream or how a plant or animal is managed according to its conservation needs.
  4. Select the search criteria, such as a threat type, or type relevant search terms such as a plant name.
  5. A variety of options will be available for you to search for a particular species:
    • If you choose to enter a scientific or common name, type at least the first 3 letters and a drop down with predictive text of possible matches will appear. If you choose one of the suggested matches, this will take you to the conservation strategy page for that species or ecological community.
    • For all other search criteria, enter your search terms and click on the search button. You will be taken to a ‘Search results’ page based on your search criteria. Choose a result and you will be taken to the conservation strategy page for that species or ecological community.
  6. The conservation strategy page includes summary information about what is being done to help conserve and protect the species or ecological community you are interested in. You can download a PDF of the conservation strategy.
  7. Close the browser after your session is finished.

Handy hints

  • Search terms can be sensitive to spelling.
  • If there is no PDF available for download, this means the strategy is under development and has not yet been formally adopted. You will see summary information and a comment about the status of the conservation strategy you have chosen to view.
Scenario 3: I want to search for a location
  1. Click on the Search by map button in the blue bar on the landing page.
  2. Click on the ‘define search area’ button on the left-hand side above the map and under the ‘Search by map’ heading.
  3. You can now zoom in or out on the map using the + or – buttons or by scrolling with your mouse. Locate your area of interest, then click and drag your mouse to create a box or outline of the selected area.
  4. Once you have drawn the area you want to use for your search, results will be presented in a sortable table or tables below the map.
  5. The first table under the map will list threatened species or ecological communities found in the area of your search. A link to the conservation strategy page for each species or ecological community will be available in the table. Each conservation strategy page includes summary information about what is being done to help conserve and protect that species or ecological community. You can also download a PDF of the conservation strategy.
  6. If there are priority management sites in your area of interest, these will be listed in a second table below the map. Management sites are also indicated with icons on the map, which are described in the map legend.
  7. If you want to search for a different location on the map, click on the ‘Search by map’ button in the blue bar to start a new search.
  8. Close the browser after your session is finished.
Scenario 4: I want to search for a conservation strategy
  1. Click in the blue bar on the landing page.
  2. Start typing the name of the species you are interested in. When you have typed at least the first 3 letters, predictive text of possible matches will be presented.
  3. Select the relevant result term, or keep typing your search term, and press enter.
  4. If you select a term in the list of results, it will take you to the conservation strategy page for that species or ecological community.
  5. If you entered your own search term, you may be presented with multiple results to choose from. Once you choose a result you will be taken to the conservation strategy for that species or ecological community.
  6. The conservation strategy for your chosen species includes summary information about what is being done to help conserve and protect that species. You can also download a PDF of the conservation strategy.
  7. Close the browser after your session is finished.

Handy hints

  • Search terms can be sensitive to spelling.
  • If there is no PDF available for download, this means the strategy is under development and has not yet been formally adopted. You will see summary information and a comment about the status of the conservation strategy you have chosen to view.
Scenario 5: I am just browsing. I don’t know the name of the conservation strategy I am looking for
  1. Click on the Advanced search button in the blue bar on the landing page.
  2. This will open a pop-up window with 8 search options you can choose from to narrow down your search.
  3. You can choose to search by:
    • scientific or common name
    • species type
    • region
    • threat type
    • project status
    • action type, or what is being done to help protect that species/ecological community
    • electoral district
    • management stream or how a plant or animal is managed according to its conservation needs.
  4. Select a search criterion of interest such as ‘threat type’ or ‘action type’, or type a relevant search term into the ‘name’ or ‘type’ fields.
  5. A variety of options will be available for you to search for a particular species:
    • If you choose to enter a scientific or common name, type at least the first 3 letters and a drop down with predictive text of possible matches will appear. If you choose one of the suggested matches, this will take you to the conservation strategy page for that species/ecological community.
    • For all other search criteria, enter your search terms and click on the search button. You will be taken to a ‘Search results’ page based on your search criteria. Choose a result and you will be taken to the conservation strategy page for that species or ecological community.
  6. The conservation strategy page includes summary information about what is being done to help conserve and protect the species or ecological community you are interested in. You can download a PDF of the conservation strategy.
  7. Close the browser after your session is finished.

Handy hints

  • Search terms can be sensitive to spelling.
  • If there is no PDF available for download, this means the strategy is under development and has not yet been formally adopted. You will see summary information and a comment about the status of the conservation strategy you have chosen to view.
Scenario 6: I want to find or download a conservation strategy
  1. Once you have searched for a specific species or ecological community of interest and landed on its conservation strategy page, a box with ‘Saving our species strategy’ and a ‘Download SoS Strategy’ button should be visible in the right-hand column of the page.
  2. Click on the ‘Download SoS Strategy’ button and the conservation strategy will download as a PDF file.

Handy hint

If there is no PDF available for download, this means the strategy is under development and has not yet been formally adopted. You will see summary information and a comment about the status of the conservation strategy you have chosen to view.

Registered users

If you are an existing registered user:

  1. Go to the Saving our Species (SoS) database using the new-look ‘Login as a registered user’ button above the blue bar near the top right of the public register landing page.
  2. This will take you to the same login page you have used previously. Use the ‘Registered user login’ to add your details.

This button will also take you straight to the login page of the SoS database:

Log in to the SoS database

Contact us

Saving our Species Program

Email: [email protected]

Stay in touch