A NSW Government website

Carbon positive by 2028

To become carbon positive, National Parks and Wildlife Service will both reduce its operational footprint and increase carbon sequestration across the national park estate.


The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) manages over 9% of New South Wales, ranging from the snow-capped peaks of Kosciusko National Park to world heritage listed rainforests, towering wet sclerophyll forests, over 45% of the NSW coast, and vast areas of woodlands across central and western New South Wales.

Our national parks represent one of the largest carbon stores in New South Wales. Providing secure, long-term protection for these carbon stocks is a vital contribution to managing climate change risk.

NPWS will be a world leader in supporting the development of premium environmental markets, assisting in developing market tools and piloting premium projects that deliver positive outcomes for carbon, biodiversity, water and air quality.

This is all part of an exciting agenda designed to ensure NPWS is at the forefront of global efforts on biodiversity conservation, visitor experiences, Aboriginal joint management and addressing climate change.

The NPWS net zero to carbon positive action plan, Carbon Positive by 2028, includes 2 targets:

  • 2025 target: reduce carbon emissions by 55%
  • 2028 target: reach net zero and become carbon positive.