How to access plant community type lineage transformation data from BioNet
Quick Guide for the BioNet Vegetation Classification application
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922975-57-7
ID: EHG20230065
File: PDF 822.33 KB / Pages 8
Name: bionet-accessing-pct-lineage-transformation-data-230065.pdf
This document provides a quick guide on how to access and export plant community type lineage transformation data from the BioNet Vegetation Classification application to CSV files to be used with MS Excel. These data explain the relationships between old Decommissioned plant community types (PCTs) to new Approved PCTs wherever there has been a vegetation classification update.
BioNet Vegetation Classification holds vegetation classification hierarchy data for New South Wales, including Plant Community Type, Vegetation Class, Vegetation Formation, PCT % Clearing, PCT-Threatened Ecological Community Association and Vegetation Condition Benchmark data.