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Manning River helmeted turtle conservation project

The Manning River helmeted turtle (Myuchelys purvisi) is confined to the Manning Valley on the mid-north coast of New South Wales. It was listed as endangered in 2017, following a 20-year population decline.


Threats to this species include predation by foxes (Vulpes vulpes), poor water quality, erosion, disease, illegal collection, climate change and competition and interbreeding with another turtle, the Murray River turtle (Emydura macquarii).

The Manning River helmeted turtle

The Saving our Species program works with partners to safeguard the Manning River helmeted turtle and prevent its extinction. Outcomes to date include:

  • 627 Manning River helmeted turtles have been captured for the survey from 198 key habitat sites along 500 km of the river, representing 35% of all habitat surveyed
  • increasing the known distribution of Manning River helmeted turtles from 1,300 km2 when they were listed as endangered in 2017 to over 4,430 km2 in 2024
  • habitat restoration along 12 km of river frontage and 80 ha of riparian land along private property to improve water quality and protect nesting sites
  • targeted pig control programs in areas with healthy populations of Manning River helmeted turtles
  • establishment of a captive insurance and breeding population at the Australian Reptile Park and the release of 10 Manning River turtles into the wild
  • engaging the community through school presentations, art competitions and the annual Manning River Turtle Winter Solstice lantern parade.

Did you know?

The Manning River helmeted turtle is considered one of the most beautiful freshwater Australian turtles, making it highly sought after by collectors and subject to illegal collection.

It is against the law (Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016) to take native reptiles from the wild or release unwanted ones. Pet native reptiles must be bought from licensed dealers or breeders.

Find out about keeping reptiles

Project partners

This project is led by the Saving our Species program, in collaboration with:

  • NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
  • Hunter Local Land Services
  • MidCoast Council
  • Australian Reptile Park
  • University of Western Sydney
  • Manning River Turtle Conservation Group
  • Manning Regional Landcare
  • MidCoast2 Tops Landcare
  • Taree Indigenous Development
  • Employment and OzFish
  • landholders.

Contact us

Saving our Species Program

Email: [email protected]

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