The determining authorities have now approved the Light to Light Walk Review of Environmental Factors, and a copy of the final report is now available. A copy of the submissions report, which summarises public consultation, is also available for download. Some personal information has been redacted to protect privacy.
Public consultation on the draft review of environmental factors provided an important opportunity for the community to have a say in relation to this activity proposed by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
We received 142 submissions during the exhibition period (15 September – 15 October 2021) from a range of stakeholders and community groups for consideration. Thank you to those who provided comments and feedback on the review of environmental factors.
Beowa National Park was formerly known as Ben Boyd National Park when the review of environmental factors and associated documents were prepared. It may still be referred to as such in those documents.
What is being proposed?
The Light to Light Walk project proposes upgrading and realigning sections of the current track, constructing new sections of walking track, and providing hut and lighthouse-style accommodation and walk-in camping options for walkers in Beowa National Park.
The upgraded Light to Light Walk will allow visitors to undertake an immersive nature-based multi-day walk experience that highlights the many special characteristics of the NSW Far South Coast, including remoteness, coastal connection and cultural heritage.
The walk upgrade is designed to increase visitor appreciation and engagement with the conservation values of the park, while protecting park values and reducing environmental impacts.
The project involves a range of works that are subject to funding. Works include:
- construction and realignment of new walking tracks, reinstatement of tracks damaged by bushfire, and closure and revegetation of sections of track no longer required
- construction of new hut accommodation and associated visitor facilities at Mowarry Point and Hegartys Bay
- upgrade works to precinct parking at Pulpit Rock
- formalisation of existing camping facilities at Mowarry Point.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service and specialist track designers have undertaken an extensive investigation of design and alignment, with further advice sought from environmental specialists and the Aboriginal community to determine the track route. This track alignment was selected to maximise the visitor experience and minimise environmental, Aboriginal cultural and historic heritage impacts, including avoiding impacts on sensitive heath communities and Aboriginal heritage sites.
The track will predominantly consist of a natural surface offering an easy-moderate level walking track consistent with the track condition before the 2020 bushfire.
Two sites have been identified as appropriate for hut accommodation at Mowarry Point and Hegartys Bay. The accommodation design and development will be in keeping with park values for sustainability, visual amenity and environmental and conservation values.
What is a review of environmental factors?
A review of environmental factors is an environmental assessment under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. It examines the significance of likely environmental impacts of the proposal and the measures required to mitigate adverse impacts. A review of environmental factors assists the determining authority to decide whether an activity should be approved and assists in developing appropriate conditions should approval be given.
The Review of Environmental Factors for the Light to Light Walk has been prepared by independent contractors in collaboration with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and key stakeholders.
How can I get more information about the proposal?
For further information on the Light to Light Walk visit the project webpage or read the Light to Light Walk Strategy. This is the strategy that guides the development of the Light to Light Walk in Beowa National Park.
Supporting documents
- Light to Light Walk decision statement (PDF 390KB)
- Appendix B – Light to Light Walk Biodiversity Assessment (PDF 20.8MB)
- Appendix C – Light to Light Walk Track Scoping Report (PDF 17.12MB)
- Appendix D – Ben Boyd National Park and Bell Bird Creek Nature Reserve Plan of Management Amendment
- Appendix E – Ben Boyd National Park Light to Light Walk Public Exhibition Report
- Appendix F – Database searches (PDF 268KB)
- Appendix G – Light to Light Walk Proposed Designs (not publicly available)
- Appendix H – Examples of proposed track constructions methods (21.9MB)
- Appendix I – Light to Light Walk Upgrade Draft Review of Environmental Factors Submissions Report

Bushwalking near Bittangabee campground, Beowa National Park