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Nominating a species, population or ecological community as threatened, or nominating a key threatening process is the first step in the process for listing in the Schedules of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.


The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) encourages community involvement in the protection of threatened species and ecological communities. Any person or organisation can propose changes to the list of threatened species, populations, ecological communities or key threatening process.

Nomination priorities

The NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee assesses all nominations received, but some nominations may be given priority over others in line with the Scientific Committee's nomination priorities and criteria. The current criteria for nomination priorities include:

  • species endemic to New South Wales
  • degree of threat
  • immediacy of threat
  • such other matters the Scientific Committee considers relevant. 

For more information, read the NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee nomination priorities (PDF 153KB).

Nominate a species or ecological community

You can:

  • nominate a particular species or ecological community to be added to the threatened species or ecological community lists (that is, the Schedules of the BC Act)
  • nominate a particular species or ecological community to be delisted from the lists
  • nominate a change in threat status of a listed species or ecological community.

Background information

Download and read the nomination background information. The background information provides important guidance on the type of information to include with your nomination.

Read the Background information for preparing a nomination (PDF 392KB).

You should include any relevant information that demonstrates the criteria for listing are met. A species/community must meet at least one of the criteria to be eligible for listing.

Detailed information on how the Committee assesses species, populations and ecological communities can be found in the Committee's Guidelines for interpreting listing criteria (PDF 645KB).

Nomination forms

The nomination forms for a new listing or to change the status of a current listing are provided below:

Send completed nominations to:

NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee
c/o Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Locked Bag 5022
Parramatta NSW 2124
Street address: 4 Parramatta Square, 12 Darcy St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Phone: 02 9585 6940
Email: [email protected]

Nominate a key threatening process

You can:

  • nominate a particular threat to native plants and animals to be listed as a key threatening process
  • nominate a key threatening process to be removed from the list of key threatening processes.

Background information

Download and read the nomination background information. The background information provides important guidance on the type of information to include with your nomination. You should include any relevant information that demonstrates the criteria for listing are met.

Read the Background information for preparing a nomination (PDF 392KB).

Nomination form

Download the Nomination form for listing or delisting a key threatening process (DOC 36KB).

Send completed nominations to:

NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee
c/o Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Locked Bag 5022
Parramatta NSW 2124
Street address: 4 Parramatta Square, 12 Darcy St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Phone: 02 9585 6940
Email: [email protected]