A NSW Government website

Tollingo Nature Reserve and Woggoon Nature Reserve Plan of Management

Tollingo and Woggoon nature reserves protect significant remnants of old age mallee shrubland in Central West NSW, north-west of Condobolin. Woggoon Nature Reserve is in the traditional Country of the Wiradjuri People and Tollingo Nature Reserve is in the traditional Country of the Wiradjuri and Ngiyampaa peoples. The combined area of the reserves is 9605 hectares.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922738-17-2 / ID: EES20210519
File: PDF 1.92 MB / Pages 23
Name: tollingo-nature-reserve-woggoon-nature-reserve-plan-of-management-210519.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

These nature reserves support intact vegetation in an extensively modified agricultural landscape, providing important habitat for the endangered malleefowl and other mallee specialists. They also help to protect Aboriginal cultural sites and historic heritage. The reserves support nature-based recreation activities such as bushwalking and birdwatching.

This is the first plan of management for Tollingo and Woggoon nature reserves which were reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act in 1988 and 1974 respectively.

The plan should be read in conjunction with the Tollingo Nature Reserve and Woggoon Nature Reserve Planning Considerations, which contains detailed information on reserve values (e.g. cultural heritage and threatened species) and the threats to these values.