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Annual environmental water priorities in the Murray and Baaka – Lower Darling catchments 2024–25

This statement identifies the planning and prioritisation of water for the environment as we continue to work with the environmental water advisory group, delivery partners and key stakeholders to meet the objectives of our environmental watering events.


Water that is allocated and managed specifically to improve the health of rivers, wetlands and floodplains is known as water for the environment.

Our environmental water management teams work with local community advisory groups including landholders, Aboriginal stakeholders, partner agencies and other interested community members to develop detailed annual plans for the use of water for the environment in each catchment, including how its use is prioritised.

Water for rivers and wetlands

In 2024–25, managed environmental flows will target a range of outcomes, including:

  • watering regimes that support the nationally threatened Australasian bittern and southern bell frog
  • improved conditions for small-bodied native fish
  • connectivity, refuge and dispersal flow for large-bodied native fish
  • support for floodplain ecosystems, including the Central Murray Forest Ramsar site, which includes the Millewa, Werai and Koondrook-Perricoota forests.

Wet conditions prevailed in the Murray River system from 2023 to 2024. Rainfall in the upper catchments produced 2 moderately sized, unregulated events in the Murray River downstream from Yarrawonga Weir in July and October 2023.

Following the October event, water for the environment supported native fish populations in the Murray River during the flow recession and maintained optimal nesting conditions for waterbirds at key sites. Water for the environment was managed in the Baaka – Lower Darling River and Darling Anabranch to support the migration of native fish to the Murray River and water quality risk-mitigation efforts. Under an adaptive plan, water managers worked with other agencies and the community to coordinate the delivery of releases and to monitor, assess, and manage risks.

Partnering with Aboriginal peoples

An infographic showing Aboriginal people's priorities in water management

Environmental water managers have been working to support Aboriginal people’s priorities in water management.

Water for Country is environmental water use planned by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (the department) and Aboriginal people to achieve shared benefits for the environment and cultural places, values and/ or interests.

The Murray and Baaka – Lower Darling includes the Murray, Edward, Wakool and Niemur river systems, the Central Murray Forest Ramsar site, the Baaka – Lower Darling and Darling Anabranch, and numerous other sites.

In 2024–25, the department will engage Aboriginal groups across these areas by working with Aboriginal peoples, Aboriginal organisations and Aboriginal environmental water advisory group representatives. This will guide environmental water managers on how to deliver water into floodplains, wetlands and waterways for co-environmental and cultural outcomes.

Weather and water forecast

As of June 2024, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation outlook is neutral. That is, neither La Niña nor El Niño conditions are favoured as oceanic and atmospheric indicators have returned to neutral levels.

International climate models suggest neutral El Niño–Southern Oscillation conditions will persist through the southern winter, but there are some signs that La Niña conditions could form later in the 2024–25 water year. Water managers have prepared watering plans that consider a range of weather and water availability scenarios. This is known as resource availability scenario planning.

Resource availability scenario

This table provides details about how we plan for different resource availability scenarios. Moderate conditions are forecast for the Murray and Baaka – Lower Darling catchments in 2024–25, which means water availability planning will follow the ‘moderate’ scenario.

Current forecast: Moderate

ConditionsMain aimOther aims
Very dryProtect

Avoid critical loss

Maintain key refuges

Avoid catastrophic events


Maintain river functioning

Maintain key functions of high priority wetlands


Improve ecological health and resilience

Improve opportunities for plants and animals to breed, move and thrive

Wet to very wetEnhance

Restore key floodplain and wetland linkages

Enhance opportunities for plants and animals to breed, move and thrive

Key planned actions

Native fish

Murray River multi-site flows are planned from Hume Dam to South Australia to support native fish and instream productivity. This is a collaboration between New South Wales, Victorian and South Australian governments and agencies.

Fish flows in the Edward–Wakool system will provide benefits for native fisheries, instream vegetation and food webs.

A winter-spring flow is planned for the Baaka – Lower Darling River to support native fish population recovery and recruitment. There may be potential for a flow down the Great Darling Anabranch to the Murray River, water volumes permitting.


Watering events are planned for the Murray catchment national and regional parks to support sites that contain nesting Australasian bitterns and other native waterbirds. Australasian bitterns are an important story-telling species for Aboriginal people.

Water for the environment will be delivered to sites including Lake Agnes to promote waterbird breeding for threatened species such as the blue-billed duck.

Fish flows in the Edward–Wakool system will provide benefits for native fisheries, instream vegetation and food webs.

A winter-spring flow is planned for the Baaka – Lower Darling River to support native fish population recovery and recruitment. There may be potential for a flow down the Great Darling Anabranch to the Murray River, water volumes permitting.


Flows will be delivered to private wetlands, providing critical habitat for southern bell frogs and promoting vegetation and other wildlife. Supporting the condition of remnant woodlands and other floodplain vegetation communities produces essential carbon and nutrients to support the aquatic food web and provides habitat and corridors for wildlife, such as the nationally threatened superb parrot. Water for the environment will be used to expand areas of common reed (Phragmites australis) in the Central Murray Forest Ramsar site during spring 2024.


Water for the environment will inundate as much area as possible of the Central Murray Forest Ramsar site during spring 2024 and provide return flows to the Murray, Edward, Niemur and Wakool rivers. Flows will provide connectivity between the Edward, Niemur and Wakool rivers and Tuppal, Cunninyeuk, Murrain Yarrein, Cockran–Jimaringle, and Yarrein creeks.

Map of proposed annual priority targets in the water resource plan area 2024–25

Map of the Murray–Baaka – Lower Darling catchment area showing priority targets and volumes of environmental water to be delivered in 2024-25. The map includes icons to indicate locations of planned water releases that aim to support native fish breeding and dispersal, waterbirds, vegetation, and improve river channel condition and connectivity.

Map of the Murray-Lower Darling catchment area showing priority targets and volumes of environmental water to be delivered in 2024-25.

How we make decisions

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water delivers water for the environment where and when it is needed to support the health and resilience of rivers and wetlands. We use the best available science, management expertise and experience to manage water across the landscape. This statement of annual priorities identifies the waterways and wetlands that are likely to receive water.

Our decision-making process considers:

  • expected availability of water in the coming year
  • conditions of the previous year
  • current health of the plants and animals in these ecosystems.
About flows

Water for the environment delivers benefits for communities, rivers, wetlands and wildlife across New South Wales.

Healthy, connected rivers and floodplains are a focus for tourism, fishing, recreation and relaxation. Rivers carry water to our homes, schools, farms and businesses, and along the way, support countless species including native fish, waterbirds, frogs, plants and more.

Rivers and wetlands have great cultural and spiritual significance for Aboriginal people.

Water for the environment is a critical tool to maintain and enhance the rivers, wetlands and wildlife we all love.

Working with communities

Local communities are at the heart of everything we do.

We involve the broader community by holding site tours and forums, and online and in-person events.

Our local water management teams consult regularly with community-based environmental water advisory groups.

Environmental water advisory group members include local landholders, recreational fishers, Aboriginal people and local government representatives. Their advice informs the decisions made by our local environmental water management teams.

Expected volumes

Planned environment water

SourceMaximum volume available (gigalitres)Volume expected 1 July under current conditions (gigalitres)
Barmah–Millewa Forest environmental water allocation170093.5
Murray additional environmental water allowance295.7
River Murray Increased FlowUp to 7019
Lower Darling River environmental water allocationUp to 3030

Water licenced to New South Wales

SourceMaximum volume available (gigalitres)Volume expected 1 July under current conditions (gigalitres)
Murray – conveyance3018.5
Murray – high security2.82.7

Water licenced to the Commonwealth

SourceMaximum volume available (gigalitres)Volume expected 1 July under current conditions (gigalitres)
Murray – general security2375.8112.7
Murray – high security17.817.2
Murray – conveyance20.218.5
Lower Darling – general security21.621.6
Lower Darling – high security4.24.2

NSW water licenced to The Living Murray (Murray–Darling Basin Authority)

SourceMaximum volume available (gigalitres)Volume expected 1 July under current conditions (gigalitres)
Murray – general security28324.9
Murray – high security5.14.9
Lower Darling – general security47.847.8
Lower Darling – high security0.50.5


1 The maximum volume of BMF EWA is 100 gigalitres per year shared equally between NSW and Victoria. The maximum accrued volume of Barmah–Millewa Forest environmental water allocation is 700 gigalitres. The Barmah–Millewa Forest environmental water allocation is only available for environmental use when the NSW Murray general security allocation reaches 30% or 50% under exceptional circumstances. 

2 Murray general security has carryover provisions. Carryover has not been included in the Murray general security licences in the table. The carryover component will need to be considered separately, with carryover plus allocations limited to 110% of the share components.

This is an indicative summary of expected volumes to be available. For further detail and information on available volumes you can contact the region via the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on 1300 361 967.

Delivery outcomes

Water for the environment has been delivering outcomes for rivers, wetlands and wildlife for 30 years.

We deliver flows that:

  • trigger native fish to breed and move
  • support waterbirds to nest and feed
  • connect rivers and floodplains
  • water forests and floodplains
  • allow plants to grow, flower and set seed
  • create refuge during droughts
  • enhance outcomes during wetter times
  • release vital nutrients from the floodplain floor that underpin the aquatic food web.

It’s habitat restoration on a landscape scale.

Four Australian white ibis in the foreground are flying from left to right of the image. They have taken flight from the water of Lake Gol Gol which has a row of ripples on it surface at the bottom of the photo. Droplets of water are suspended in the air beneath the birds. The water is a dark colour reflecting brown and green trees and bushes in the background.

Sustained watering events provide ideal conditions for large-scale waterbird breeding.