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Coastal and estuary grants

The NSW Government's Coastal and Estuary Grants Program underpins the implementation of the coastal management framework and supports local councils and communities to achieve the state’s long-term vision for the coast.


We've updated our web pages to make information clearer and easier to find. You can find information on floodplain management grants on a separate page.

The program supports local councils in managing the coastal environment of New South Wales in a manner consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development for the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of the people of the state.

Grant funding enables local councils and communities to prepare coastal management programs and implement actions identified in those programs. Grant offers are subject to statewide priorities and the availability of funds each financial year.

Current funding round

The 2024–25 funding round for the planning stream is open.

Funding for the implementation stream is open and closes on 5 September 2024.

Councils may apply for actions listed in certified coastal zone emergency action sub plans at any time to implement certified actions that cannot wait until the next funding round following a significant coastal erosion or coastal inundation event.

Who can apply

Local councils, county councils, joint organisations (established under an Act of Parliament) and incorporated Regional Organisations of Councils (ROC).

Where multiple councils are working together within the same coastal sediment compartment or estuary to prepare and implement a coastal management program, one council, county council, joint organisation or incorporated Regional Organisations of Councils (from within the area) must be the lead agency in terms of signing the funding agreement, managing monies and reporting on the project.

Public land managers (such as a Crown reserve trust or a location-specific NSW Government authority) may apply in partnership with a lead council, providing the council or other eligible organisation is the principal applicant and assumes overall responsibility for administering the grant.

What will be funded

Funding is available under 6 funding streams: a planning stream, 4 implementation streams and one for emergency actions identified in certified emergency action sub plans following a significant erosion or coastal inundation event.

Planning stream

Funding is available for planning projects that aim to:

  • develop a coastal management program (CMP)
  • transition a coastal zone management plan (CZMP) to a coastal management program
  • conducting studies to comprehend coastal processes and map coastal hazards/coastal vulnerability areas necessary for coastal management program development
  • conducting studies to identify threats to coastal management areas within the NSW coastal zone essential for coastal management program development
  • investigate and design coastal and estuary management activities recommended in a certified coastal management program.
Implementation streams

Funding is available for implementing actions identified in certified coastal management programs and for exempt activities (see guidelines). Funding is available in streams 2 to 5 based on the following 4 coastal management areas identified in the Act:

  • coastal vulnerability area
  • coastal wetlands and littoral rainforests areas
  • coastal environment area (land containing coastal features)
  • coastal use area (land where development may be carried out).
Coastal zone emergency action sub plan stream

Councils with a coastal zone emergency action sub plan (CZEAS) in a certified coastal management program can apply for emergency works funding when a significant coastal storm event has occurred to implement actions described in their coastal zone emergency action sub plan, addressing beach erosion, coastal inundation or cliff instability that cannot wait until the next funding round.

Online Grants Management System

The Grants Management System (GMS) is purpose-built to manage the entire grant process online, from application to final acquittal and evaluation.

It allows you to apply online for grants.

If your funding application is successful, this Grants Management System will be used to lodge documents related to the project, such as work plans, variations, progress reports and final acquittal reports.

Log in or register for the GMS

Through the use of the GMS, some personal information will be collected. The Privacy Policy outlines how this information will be managed.

How to apply

The planning stream for the 2024–25 funding round is open and closes 30 June 2025.

The implementation stream for the 2024–25 funding round is open and closes 5 September 2024.

Information for new applicants, including guidelines, are available.

Current grant holders

Information for successful applicants and current grant holders, including how to manage and report on your grant, is available.

Contact us

Coast, Estuary and Flood Grants Branch

Phone: 02 9895 6494

Email: [email protected]